Day 4 – The Doors of Dublin

This morning, well more like last night, we could not get back to sleep as our roomatsesgot in at 3:45 am. We were both up to 6:00 am and finally got back to sleep for about an hour or so. This whole hostel experience is one i am glad i did to learn not to it again. Hehe. Something as simple as quiet time in your hotel room is worth the added costs in a paty town like Dublin.

After a traditional irish breakfast we headed out to O’Connell street, this is the main commercial hub of Dublin.  While in the tourist gift shop we decided to take a stroll to view famous painted doors of Dublin. There are hundreds of them throughout the city.They were originally a protest against the queen of England who invaded Ireland in the 1700s.  The Queen demanded all doors peeping to black however the citizens of Dublin decided to protest by painting the doors bright colors which continues to today.  Following photos we strolled through a park or two and ended up at a pub with awesome fish and chips.

Now, we are doing laundry while we blog and will go back out for evening photos later.  Just met a new roommate, Roman, from Argentina who is moving to Ireland for work but does to California next week to train.  Oh my that’s a lot of travel!

Here are our photos so far today, beer count is up to 9.  And I think we need to be in some more photos…. hmmm


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