Honeymoon for 30 days

Dictionary.com puts it simply:


1. a vacation or trip taken by a newly married couple.
2. the month or so following a marriage.
3. any period of blissful harmony: Their entire 60 years of marriage was one long honeymoon.


This shows us that a honeymoon does not have to be simply a week after the wedding, but can last a month, or even years!  We hope to continue our honeymoon over the course of our entire lives together.  My sister’s husband’s sister Elana once explained that traditionally, a honeymoon is 30 days long after the wedding (a full cycle of the moon).  This gives us an opportunity to do as they did and take celebratory day trips and weekend trips over the course of the next year to celebrate our love again and again – because why should the honeymoon stop after 7 days?


Help us plan

Please submit your ideas about places we should go over the course of our lifelong honeymoon.  You can email pictures to wedding@jeffandjennwedding.com, or leave a comment with a description of your favorite place.  It could be romantic, adventeruos, peaceful, etc.


Interesting facts:


Where does the word honeymoon come from? (see answer at wiki,answers.com)
According to suite101.com, “here is evidence that the term “honeymoon” is first used in the 16th century (1546) to mean ‘the period of pleasure immediately following a marriage.’ The concept of a honeymoon being tied into a vacation or trip did not occur until the 18th century. Dr. Samuel Johnson stated the honeymoon was ‘The first month after marriage, when there is nothing but tenderness and pleasure,’ comparing it to the moon which begins to wane as soon as it is full.”
wisegeek.com: “Some people believe that the “honey” part of honeymoon refers to the tradition in some European countries of a newly married couple drinking honey mead for a month.”
Today’s “happy ending” to the wedding event is a far cry from its much different beginnings. The word honeymoon has its roots in the Norse word “hjunottsmanathr” which was anything but blissful. (Read more)

One Comment:

  1. New years in London on the river is amazing! Big Ben The Eye all lights up and there are fireworks and you hit midnight hours before your friends 😛 just an idea Congrats! And the poll wouldst let me take it… I do believe in the garter bouquet… I caught 1 Aug 9th and was proposed to Sept 3rd 🙂

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